Reduce Waste Going to a Landfill
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! The less rubbish you produce, the less you have to send to a landfill.
If you don’t have green or brown bins at home, set up your own recycling bins and take your rubbish to the nearest recycling centre. You can separate them as follows:
The three bin system
One of the easiest way to bring recycling into your home or work place is to start a bin system. The image shows a three bin system, but there are many varieties depending on the waste you or your surroundings are creating.
Copyright Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local GovernmentCopyright Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
The three bin system
One of the easiest way to bring recycling into your home or work place is to start a bin system. The image shows a three bin system, but there are many varieties depending on the waste you or your surroundings are creating.
Copyright Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government- Papers/ cardboards
- Plastics
- Glass
- Used batteries
- Used light bulbs
Put a compost bin in your garden. This can take almost all raw organic materials, with the exception of cheese, meats and bones. These materials take a very long to break down and attract unwanted pests.
Buy fruit and vegetables that don’t have unnecessary packaging.
Buy recycled goods as well as those that can be recycled.
Don’t dump old clothes or furniture. Someone else might like them so bring them to a charity shop.
Use washable cloths in the kitchen instead of disposable wipes.
If you take a sandwich to work with you, put it in a lunchbox instead of wrapping it fresh tinfoil or cling each day.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides further information on waste disposal, recycling, and hazardous waste.
There is also lots more information on what items can be recycled, and how to improve recycling at home, at work and at school on
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