5 Plant entries with images
Courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.
Courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.
The following entries are taken from Brunker's "Flora of the County of Wicklow" and with each entry there is an image of the plant to accompany it.These images are from "Irish Wild Flowers" which is booklet no. 17 in the irish Heritage Series published by Eason & Son Ltd. in 1978.
Bloody Cranesbill
Geraniaceae Geranium L. G. sanguineum L. y Cranesbill Districts-2------ Native. By the sea in grassy places and on driftbanks. Very rare or extinct. P. May/August. 2. Killincarrick & Bray(Ir. Fl.) Repeated search has failed to recover this record. The plant was probably exterminated when the railway was built.
Bog Bean plant
Menyanthes L. M. trifoliata L. Buckbean Districts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Native. Bog pools, marshy ground and ponds. Common. P. May/June Ranges from sea-level to 1,000 feet.
Sea Holly
Eryngium L. E. Maritimum Sea Holly Districts - - - -5 - - 8. Native. Maritime. Sandy seashores. Locally common. P. July/August 5. Abundant on the Murrough from Kilcool to Wicklow'23! 8. Common on sandy shores from Mizen Head to Clogga '25!
Sea Thrift
Armeria Willd. A. maritima. Willd. Thrift, Sea Pink Districts - 2 - - 5 - - 8. Native. Maritime. Rocks, clay banks and salt marshes. Common. P. April/July. 1.Abundant on Bray Head ('94 P.);and at Greystones'23!;5. Along Leitrim River at Wicklow, and at the Broad Lough'26!; at the Breaches, and sparingly to Newcastle'28! 8. Wicklow Head ('97 P.) and thence along the coast to Clogga'27!
Cross Leaved Heath
Image crossleaved heath Erica L. E. Tetralix L. Crossleaved Heath Districts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Native. Wet bogs. Common. A small weak shrub. Calcifuge A. June/August. Ranges from sea-level to 2,450 feet
Case Studies
Sea Holly
The picture of this plant Sea Holly(latin name;Eryngium maritimum) is taken from a publication "Irish Wild Flowers" which is a booklet published as part of an Irish Heritage series.This image and others are reproduced here courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.
Courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.Sea Holly - Courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.
Sea Thrift
The picture of this plant Sea Thrift(latin name;Ameria maritima ) is taken from a publication "Irish Wild Flowers" which is a booklet published as part of an Irish Heritage series.This image and others are reproduced here courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.
Courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.Sea Thrift - Courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.
Cross Leaved Heath
The picture of this plant Cross Leaved Heath(latin name;Erica tetralix) is taken from a publication "Irish Wild Flowers" which is a booklet published as part of an Irish Heritage series.This image and others are reproduced here courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.
Courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.Cross Leaved Heath - Courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.
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