The 'Louthiana: Ancient and Modern' Series
(Note: These entries are arranged by first author's surname. The names of the monuments dealt with in each article are given in square brackets after the article titles)
Morris, Henry 1906 'Louthiana: ancient and modern' [Castle Guard, Mount Bagenal, Fairy Mount, Proleek Cromlech], pps. 38-45 in the Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol. 1, no. 3.
Morris, Henry 1907 'Louthiana: ancient and modern' [Killing Hill, Ballrichan, Ballynahaitinne], pps. 56-61 in the Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol. 1, no. 4.
O'Cuinn, Séamus and Tempest, Henry G. 1911 'Louthiana: ancient and modern' [Killany Moat, Fort at Ballinahattina, Castlering Moat], pps. 426-30 in the Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol. 2, no. 4.
Tempest, Henry G. 1910 'Louthiana: past and present, 1748-1910' [Mote Albani], pps. 299-301 in the Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol. 2, no. 3.
Tempest, Henry G. and Leslie, James B. 1909 'Louthiana: ancient and modern' [Dundugan Fort, Lisnarann], pps. 139-41, and frontispiece, in the Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol. 2, no. 2.
O'Kelly, Mrs. O. J. and Ua Muirgheasa, Énrí 1905 'Louthiana: ancient and modern' [Castletown Mount, Faughart, Greenmount], pps. 16-23, frontispiece and plates between 26-7 and 76-7, in the Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol. 1, no. 2.
Whitworth, Mary (?), Ua Cuinn, Séamus and Tempest, Henry G. 1908 'Louthiana: ancient and modern' [Mount Ash, Rathdrumin, Raskeagh], pps. 84-89 in the Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol. 2, no. 1.
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