A huge change occurred in Irish society when the Anglo-Normans occupied the land. The key to their strength was the castle, these fortified dwellings helped to consolidate their holdings and defend their position of power.
Most castles were built at suitable vantage points. Defence was important at this time as the Norman conquerors needed to defend themselves against attack from the dispossessed Irish. The division that occurred between the invaders and the natives was to have a big influence on the course of Irish history.
Castles tended to be built around towns, thereby consolidating the presence of the lord allowing him to preside over his domain. Most of the castles in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown area share one common trait: it is not possible to date them exactly.
This castle is interesting because nobody knows when it was constructed or by whom. The nearby road was a highway during medieval times and was known as Puck’s Castle Lane. It was probably built as a defensive structure rather than a dwelling place. No one family has been associated with the castle for any great length of time. King James visited the castle in 1690 during the time of his flight, after the Battle of the Boyne. The castle was possibly haunted, hence the name puca (puck), although this is not proven.
This castle is interesting because nobody knows when it was constructed or by whom. The nearby road was a highway during medieval times and was known as Puck’s Castle Lane. It was probably built as a defensive structure rather than a dwelling place. No one family has been associated with the castle for any great length of time. King James visited the castle in 1690 during the time of his flight, after the Battle of the Boyne. The castle was possibly haunted, hence the name puca (puck), although this is not proven.
One of the more mysterious and therefore interesting castles in the area is Puck's Castle, Rathmichael. Nobody knows for certain the date it was constructed, or indeed by whom. The road beside it is known as Puck's Castle Lane and was a highway during medieval times. It seems there was a courtyard outside at one time and inside ) the stone stairs leading to the first floor are still intact.
No family has ever been associated with the castle for an extended period of time.
It was used more as a defensive structure than a dwelling place. One interesting theory is that the castle was inhabited by a ghost, hence the term puca (puck).
In 1690 King James II visited the castle when he was fleeing after the Battle of the Boyne, and had his army stationed nearby.
Puck’s Castle is something of a mystery. Nobody knows for certain the date it was constructed, or indeed by whom. The road beside it is known as Puck’s Castle Lane and was a highway during medieval times. It seems there was a courtyard outside at one time and inside the stone stairs leading to the first floor are still intact. Evidence suggests the castle was used as a dwelling place, but only intermittently. No family has ever been associated with the castle for an extended period of time. It was used more as a defensive structure than a dwelling place. One interesting theory is that the castle was inhabited by a ghost, hence the term puca (puck).
Puck -
Puck's Castle (location)
This castle boasts its own ghost! It is located in a field beside Puck’s Castle Lane, a former medieval highway. This picture indicates the ideal location of the castle from a defensive viewpoint. It is therefore believed that the castle was used as a defensive structure rather than as a dwelling place.
Puck's Castle (location) -
Puck's Castle interior
This image illustrates how intact the stone stairs of the castle have remained. It led from the ground to the first floor of the castle.
Puck's Castle interior -
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By tnethacker | 2011-07-10 21:35:32
Puck's Castle from outside
Puck Castle from outside
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Puck Castle from outside
Puck's Castle, 2011-07-10 00:00:00
Picture from outside the castle