Double Circle At Streedagh
Double Circle At Streedagh Sand Hills. Chamber in Centre. Drawn by William Frederick Wakeman for Colonel Cooper. August 1880.
Copyright Sligo County LibraryCopyright Sligo County Library
Double Circle At Streedagh
Double Circle At Streedagh Sand Hills. Chamber in Centre. Drawn by William Frederick Wakeman for Colonel Cooper. August 1880.
Copyright Sligo County LibraryModern - Streedagh Double Circle & Wedge Tomb
Modern Image of Streedagh Wedge Tomb and Double Stone Circle.
Copyright Sligo County LibraryCopyright Sligo County Library
Modern - Streedagh Double Circle & Wedge Tomb
Modern Image of Streedagh Wedge Tomb and Double Stone Circle.
Copyright Sligo County LibraryStreedagh Wedge tomb
Wakeman visited this wedge tomb in August 1880 when he did two illustrations of it. Wedge tombs belong to the late Neolithic c.2700 BC and continued to be built into the Bronze Age, up to 1700 BC.
This example is located on a small headland above a shingle beach on the west end of Streedagh. Wakeman calls it a double circle with a central chamber, but this is probably referring to the existing stone circle and the exterior walling of the wedge tomb's chamber.
One can see from the photograph the site has changed considerably since Wakeman's time as today sand has buried much of the monument and some of the stones depicted by Wakeman are no longer visible.
The chamber is constructed with a backstone and two stones behind it. Three orthostats in the chamber are visible today and are laid on their long sides. It measures 2m long and is 1.15m wide and narrows towards the southwest. It is orientated southwest to northeast.
The exterior walling of the chamber is best preserved on the southeast side where four stones remain. The central structure is located in a cairn with a diameter of 11m, which is defined by the presence of 16 large kerbstones.
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