Esker College Timetable, 1844
The Order of the College to be Observed by "The Prefect" of Studies
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
o'co'cRising and DressingFrom 6 to 61/2Morning Prayer61/2 to 7Mass7 to 71/2Five Masters are in Attendance from this Hour to BreakfastCatechism - Greek and Latin Grammars - Syntax71/2 to 9Prosody - Exercises on the Metre of Horace - Latin CompositionSame timeEnglish Grammar - English Prosody - English PronunciationSame timeBreakfast and Recreation9 to 10Seven Masters are in Attendance from this Hour to DinnerEnglish Spelling and Public Reading10 to 101/2Greek and Latin Classics, carefully arranged for the Entrance Courses of Maynooth and Trinity College101/2 to 121/2Algebra-Bookkeeping, as adopted in the first Mercantile HouseSame timeEuclid, with the ordinary "Deducibles" required in Trinity CollegeSame timeAlgebraic Geometry, with the entire course of the higher Mathematics and AstronomySame timeRecreation121/2 to 1Mensuration, with the Practical Admeasurement and rates of Sawyers Carpenters, Masons, Slaters and Painters work1 to 2Chemical Analysis of the Strength and Durability with the present price of the various materials used in the above tradSame timeTheory of Surveying, Levelling, and General EngineeringSame timeField Practice of Surveying with Drawing and MappingSame timeArithmetic on the most improved plan with all the Concise and Modern Methods of Mental Calculation2 to 21/2Writing in a full round, free, commercial hand: The Master being pledged to produce (with an ordinary hand) a Perfect style in six months23/4 to 31/2Ornamental Writing - Printing - Text handSame timeDinner and Recreation31/2 to 51/2Night Study and Silence51/2 to 8Supper and Recreation8 to 9Night Prayer and Going to bed9Order of Wednesdays and SaturdaysSix Masters are in Attendance from this Hour to BreakfastFrench, Italian (and if necessary) German, Spanish and Hebrew Grammers71/2 to 9Translation and Composition of DittoSame timeFrench and Italian Conversation, conducted by Gentlemen who have resided and studied on the ContinentSame timeAncient and Modern History, with an appropriate lectureSame timeBreakfast and Recreation9 to 10Five Masters are in attendance from this Hour to DinnerChemistry and Natural Philosophy, alternately with a splendid Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus10 to 11Chemical Analysis of Soils, Manures, as applicable to AgricultureSame timeField Lecture on Practical Husbandry and on the Rearing, Feeding, Diseases of Sheep and Black Cattle - to this Class the President devotes the most absorbing attentionSame timeBlair's "Lectures on Rhetoric" - Locke on "the Human Understanding11 to 113/4Letter Writing - English Compsoition, Lecture on the British PeerageSame timeGeography and Globes, with a Lecture on the Science of Navigation113/4 to 121/2Lecture on Political Economy, on the imports produce, manufactures and revenues of the States of the WorldSame timeBlackstone's Commentaries on British LawSame timeRecreation121/2 to 1Characteristics Readings from Milton, Shakespeare, and French Tragedy1 to 2Declamation, as an Art-Recitation in Prose and Poetry-Historical Debate, in which ten or twelve Young Gentlemen may take parts - Public Speaking2 to 21/2Dinner and Recreation31/2 to 51/2Order of SundaysReeve's History of the Bible8 to 9Ecclesiastical History - Lives of the PopesSame timeBreakfast and Recreation9 to 101/2High Mass and Sermon101/2 to 12One Chapter of the New Testament12 to 121/2Recreation - Pious Reading in Library and ad Libitum121/2 to 31/2
N.B. - In the order written above, too many classes may appear to be taught within the same hour, or it might seem, as if the Classical Students could not attend the English and Scientific classes - but this mistake will be immediately corrected, when it is recollected that at any one hour, six or seven masters can be in attendance, who so manage the time, and the classes that every Student of the College, can read (if he please, and is able), in all the classes of the entire courses.
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