Fair Play
Mr. Keane said the Library was supposed to cater for every class and creed, and it would not do to confine their stock to once class of book. He would like to give fair play to everyone and he would suggest that the matter be adjourned so that the members could consider it further.
Secretary - Would you cut out modern fiction?
Liam Ua Buachalla - I would, in the interests of national economy.
The Chairman said he would second Mr. McGuinness's proposal if he confined it to literature relating to any of the nations at war.
Mr. McGuinness said that the Galway Library and Committee were the most imperialistic in the country.
Mr. Kelly objected and said that Mr. McGuinness should be asked to withdraw that statement.
Mr. McGuinness - I am a hundred per cent impenitent: I will even repeat it.
Mr. Keane proposed that the matter.
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