Where Do They Come From?
Traffic in Dublin
Dublin's daily rush hour.
Copyright Environmental Protection AgencyCopyright Environmental Protection Agency
Traffic in Dublin
Dublin's daily rush hour.
Copyright Environmental Protection AgencyMan-Made Sources
Sources of pollution caused by human activity include:
- Power plants - PM10 (Particulate Matter up to 10 micrometers in size), NOx, Sulphur, Benzene
- Waste incinerators - Sulphur , Benzene
- Motor vehicles - PM10 (diesel engines), N0x, lead (petrol), Benzene / Carbon monoxide (exhaust fumes)
- Aircraft
- Marine vessels
- Fertilisers
- Landfills
- Cigarette smoke - Benzene
Around 40% of air pollution can be attributed to the burning of fossil fuels. For example, one coal-fired power station can emit 16 million tonnes of CO2 a year.
The manure produced by cows naturally releases methane into the atmosphere.Companies can then take this manure and flush it into a tank or tented lagoon, where the manure can decompose and the methane gas bubbles off.
© The Irish Times© The Irish Times
The manure produced by cows naturally releases methane into the atmosphere.Companies can then take this manure and flush it into a tank or tented lagoon, where the manure can decompose and the methane gas bubbles off.
© The Irish TimesNatural sources
Natural sources of air pollution are:
- Volcanoes - these produce chlorine, ash and sulphur
- Radon - this is found in radioactive decay in the Earth's crust
- Smoke - caused by wildfires
- Methane - from animals' digestive systems
- Dust - from expanses of land with little or no vegetation: PM10
- Windblown sea salt – PM10
- Air masses – Ozone
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