Emo Court

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  • Aspects of Laois


Emo Court is a country house that was designed by one of Ireland's most well-known architects James Gandon in 1790. It was built in a neo-classical style which means that it looked like a building you would find from ancient Rome or Greece. Sadly, Emo Court was neglected for a while and the Jesuits used it as a training college for priests in the middle of the last century.

It was only in the 1960s that the house was bought by Mr. Cholmeley-Harrison and restored to its glory days of the past. The house is surrounded by beautiful gardens and parklands that were first laid out in the 18th century.

In 1994, the government of Ireland bought Emo Court and it is now run by the Office of Public Works, who look after many of the heritage buildings throughout the country.