Transport 21 and the Sustainable Travel and Transport Action Plan
Transport 21 and the Sustainable Travel and Transport Action Plan
Transport 21 is an investment framework under the National Development Plan that is being developed over the period 2006 - 2015. It facilitates a modal shift to public transport, cycling and walking.
Early in 2009, Smarter Travel – A Sustainable Transport Future: A NewTransport Policy for Ireland 2009-2020 was published by the Department of Transport. It includes actions on public transport, planning, institutional arrangements and more efficient motorised transport as well as walking and cycling. It offers a vision by which the transport system could evolve along a more sustainable trajectory over the period to 2020 and beyond.
In association with this Sustainable Travel and Transport Action Plan, national cycling and walking strategies are being developed to encourage emission-free modes of travel. Ireland's first National Cycle Policy Framework was launched in April 2009, which outlines specific objectives and action plans aiming to ensure that 10% of all journeys will be by bike by 2020.
The Dublin Bikes initiative, which has been operating in the city since 2009, originally started with a fleet of 450 bikes at 40 stations around the city. The scheme has been such a success (with over 40,000 subscribers to date) that in 2010 it was announced that 20 of the 40 stations would be extended and that 4 new stations would be added, bringing the fleet up to a new total of 550 bicycles.
Electrical Vehicles Plan
The Government has set a target of 10% of all vehicles in the transport fleet to be powered by electricity by 2020. This will represent some 250,000 cars on Irish roads over the next 12 years. ESB’s Ecar project is responsible for rolling out the charge points nationwide and for implementing the supporting IT systems.
The Electric Vehicles plan includes:
- Tax incentives for business to purchase electric vehicles. Businesses can write off 100% of the cost of purchase against tax under the Accelerated Capital Allowance Scheme
- A €1 million project by Sustainable Energy Ireland to research, develop and demonstrate of vehicles nationally
- A grant of €5000 when an electric car is purchased and exemption from Vehicle Registration Tax.
- stablishment of a National Task Force which will examine infrastructure options for national roll-out of electric vehicles, including street charging
National Driving Efficiency Campaign
Launch of national driving efficiency campaign, as outlined in the National Climate Change Strategy (Chapter 4).
Carbon Off-Setting Scheme
In June 2008, the Government approved the principles for a scheme to offset greenhouse gas emissions from official air travel by Ministers, civil servants and officials. The Irish Government Offsetting Scheme (IGOS) will involve the calculation by Departments/ Offices of their annual air travel emissions. An annual payment based on these emissions will be made to the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) for purchase of carbon credits generated by in small-scale activities/ projects in Ireland ’s Overseas Development Aid priority countries in Africa .
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