- Don’t collect your grass after cutting. This mulch will put extra nutrients back into the lawn. This also has an added advantage of reducing water evaporation from the lawn, thereby reducing the need to water it regularly.
- Compost your waste. In Ireland, 24% of serviced households now have a brown bin for collection of organic material. If you don’t have this facility you can easily set up your own composting bin in the garden, which will create fantastic fertiliser.
- Create a wormery. This system uses worms in a sealed, hygienic, and non-smelling unit to compost your waste, which can then be used to fertilise your garden. This small unit can sit on your balcony or even in your kitchen. But, please note, the worms do need a sheltered and reasonably warm place to live.
- Reduce your pesticide use. By limiting your pesticide usage and using natural compost instead, you’ll be benefitting the environment, as well as making your garden a safer place for your family.
For more tips on composting, see out 'How to...' section.
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