- Cook large portions, so that you can have leftovers for another meal. Not only will this make your week easier, as you won’t have to cook again every night, but you will limit the amount of energy you use storing or cooking food. By reheating these leftovers in the microwave rather than cooking a new meal in the oven, you’ll significantly reduce your energy usage.
- Only boil the water you need. If you’re boiling a full kettle, but you only require a cup of boiled water, you are wasting energy. Try and measure out the amount you require prior to boiling. It will save you time and electricity!
- Cook recipes that are based on in-season produce. Check out our links to recipe pages to find some new recipes to try. Combining this with our Seasonal Food Calendar, you’ll be well on your way to cooking a low-carbon, in-season, delicious meal!
- Save your extra leftovers or rotten food for compost. If you have a garden or even just flowerpots, leftover food waste can be composted. This homemade compost will not only lessen the amount of waste that you send to landfill, but will also improve your garden. Just make sure not to use any animal by-products, as they can attract unwanted creatures. Find out more about composting on the Race Against Waste Website - Fact Sheet on Composting
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