Fruit & Vegetables
- Consider growing your own! If you have a garden, you can consider planting a few fruit trees. Growing fruit that is native to Ireland is also a huge benefit to not only the climate, but also for the wildlife of Ireland . As wildlife and infrastructure compete for space you can help out by making your garden more bio-diverse. Many fruit bushes can be grown in pots, so even if you live in an apartment or have a small garden you can still grow your own.
- Preserve and store the fruit that you grow. Although some may consider this old-fashioned, canning your own fruits and making jams, sauces, and chutneys will be of great benefit to your pantry. You’ll have high quality foods that can last you all year. As a bonus, you can give them away as gifts!
- Utilise nature. Many of the berries that grow wild in fields and forests are actually edible. If you’re on a hike, pick some of these for use in pies and scones. Just consult an appropriate field guide to ensure what you’re eating isn’t poisonous!
- If you still crave tropical fruits that don’t grow native in Ireland , try and buy produce that has been shipped in rather than flown. Also try to buy fruit that is Fair Trade or organic. Even if some food miles are being built up by purchasing this fruit, at least you’ll be guaranteeing a farmer in a developing country a living wage, or ensuring that unnecessary chemicals aren’t damaging and depleting the soil.
- Try to source fresh, locally grown produce. Farmers will be able to offer you in-season produce, as well as give you a background on how it was grown. You’ll be ensuring that your food hasn’t travelled long distances, as well as supporting local community initiatives.
- Grow your own. Just like fruit, many vegetables can easily be grown in Ireland . If you plant a small vegetable patch and choose appropriate seeds, you can have fresh vegetables all year-round. Excess vegetables can be picked to preserve them for year round consumption.
- Join a community garden! If you don’t have your own garden, you could always join an existing community garden or set up one of your own. Here are some community gardens that are up and running in Ireland:
- Dolphins Barn Community Garden
- Carraig Dulra's Community Garden
- There are also allotments for rent around the country.
- Freeze or can your vegetables. You can freeze or can vegetables just as easily as fruit. Vegetables, such as tomatoes, store well and can be used throughout the year to make sauces, curries, and chilli.
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