- Try to cut down on the amount of processed or packaged food that you buy as this will reduce the emissions from energy used in production processes, and also reduce packaging waste thereby limiting the amount of waste you send to landfill. Instead, try to buy fresh local ingredients and prepare your dishes from scratch. Although this may be a bit more time-consuming, you will be reducing your carbon footprint and improving your nutritional intake!
- If you buy extra food that you don’t finish before it goes off, freeze it! You can buy reusable freezer containers that will keep your food fresh until you’re ready to eat it.
- Bring your own bag! Even though Ireland is internationally recognised as a leader in banning plastic bags, it doesn’t hurt to remind people once in a while. Keep a reusable bag folded in your hand bag or in the boot of your car, so you always have one handy!
- Limit your car trips. We know that people run out of milk or eggs quickly and will have to pop out to the shop every now and again. You should try to limit your shopping trips by car to once a week. This will lower your emissions, as it will lessen the number of journeys you have to make to the shops during the week.
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