Heating in Irish Homes
Irish homes are largely heated using fossil fuels - gas, oil or solid fuel. The burning of these fuels in our boilers results in a large amount of carbon emissions. Much of the energy that goes into heating our homes can be wasted if inefficient use of heating devices take place and poor insulation exists. Improving the efficiency of your boiler and water cylinder and installing the appropriate controls to the central heating system can result in great energy savings, which pay for the initial capital costs in a relatively short period of time.
Furthermore, there are now many green energy alternatives on the market that are viable for home heating and are heavily subsidised.
Inefficient or poorly lagged boilers can burn extra fuel, adding needless money to your bills. Sometimes it is not possible to purchase a new boiler, but getting your current boiler serviced is a step in the right direction. Your boiler should be serviced every year to keep it running efficiently. For further reading please visit the OFTEC Website. Bord Gáis also provides care and maintenance services.
Consider buying a condensing boiler, which is more efficient than a regular boiler. Condensing boilers work on the principle of recovering as much waste heat as possible. In most cases, regular boilers lose heat through the flue. You can identify the most energy efficient boiler by the energy-rating label.
Ensure your hot water cylinder is appropriately lagged. A well-fitted high quality lagging jacket can keep water hotter for much longer and will pay for itself within a few months of purchase due to savings made from reduced energy wastage. For more information on how to save money on your heating visit www.powerofone.ie.
Did you know that household heating contributes more emissions than home electricity! (SEAI)
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