Stillorgan Obelisk
Stillorgan obelisk was built in 1727, possibly at the instigation of Lord Allen, to provide local employment that year, during the famine. It was also built a monument to Lady Allen, although she was not buried there. The obelisk measures one hundred feet in height and is made of granite. Edward Lovett Pearce designed the obelisk and took his inspiration from an obelisk by Bernini located in Rome. The gardens surrounding the obelisk have since disappeared, together with the splendid views.
Courtesy of the National Library of IrelandCourtesy of the National Library of Ireland
Stillorgan Obelisk
Stillorgan obelisk was built in 1727, possibly at the instigation of Lord Allen, to provide local employment that year, during the famine. It was also built a monument to Lady Allen, although she was not buried there. The obelisk measures one hundred feet in height and is made of granite. Edward Lovett Pearce designed the obelisk and took his inspiration from an obelisk by Bernini located in Rome. The gardens surrounding the obelisk have since disappeared, together with the splendid views.
Courtesy of the National Library of IrelandAn obelisk is defined as 'a tall tapering, usually four-sided, stone pillar with a pyramidal top, erected as a landmark or for religious or commemorative purposes. There are a number of obelisks in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown area.
Stillorgan Obelisk was built in 1727, possibly at the instigation of Lord Allen, to provide local employment that year, during the famine. It may also have been built as a monument to Lady Allen, although she was not buried there. The obelisk measures one hundred feet in height and is made of granite.Edward Lovett Pearce designed the obelisk and he took his inspiration from an obelisk by Bernini, located in Rome. The gardens surrounding the obelisk have since disappeared, together with the splendid views. Legend has it that the second Viscount of Stillorgan, Joshua Allen, had his favourite horse buried beneath the obelisk.
Stillorgan Obelisk (today)
The area around the obelisk has changed greatly over the years. It was designed by Edward Lovett Pearce and built in 1727. The obelisk measures 100 feet in height and is made of granite. The original gardens and views from the obelisk no longer remain
Stillorgan Obelisk (today)
The area around the obelisk has changed greatly over the years. It was designed by Edward Lovett Pearce and built in 1727. The obelisk measures 100 feet in height and is made of granite. The original gardens and views from the obelisk no longer remain
The Allen family owned the house and lands around the obelisk. From here they passed on to other owners, the last being Marcus Goodbody. He became friendly with the owners of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God. Obelisk Park as it was known was sold to them in 1923 for £4,500.
The house was opened as a residential geriatric facility in 1924 and in 1931 it was converted to a home for the mentally handicapped. By the 1950s it had become a national school providing education social and vocational training and after care. The surroundings for the obelisk have changed greatly over the years. Today the obelisk overlooks a housing estate.
The Dorset Obelisk is another example of a memorial. It is located in the grounds of St. Columba's in Ballybrack. The obelisk was erected to commemorate the Duke of Dorset who died here, whilst out hunting. He was only twenty-one years of age and was held in high esteem by most people in the area.
The monument dates from 1815 and is shaped like a pyramid. There is an inscription on the monument and it reads: 'This pile was raised to mark the fatal spot where at the age of 21 George Frederick, the 4th Duke of Dorset, Accidentally lost his life 14th Feb, 1815.
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