Killiney Church
Killiney Church
This church dates from the eleventh century and was dedicated to the five daughters' of Lenin who lived in the sixth century. One unusual feature of the church is the lintel on the under side of the West facing doorway, a feature repeated in Our Lady's Church in Glendalough.
Killiney Church
This church dates from the eleventh century and was dedicated to the five daughters' of Lenin who lived in the sixth century. One unusual feature of the church is the lintel on the under side of the West facing doorway, a feature repeated in Our Lady's Church in Glendalough.
Killiney Church dates from about the eleventh century and is made from yellow-brown stone. It has been dedicated to the five daughters of Lenin, who lived in the sixth century. It has many interesting features including a cross carved in the under side of a lintel in the West doorway, a chancel arch in good condition and two small crosses attached to the interior walls.
Killiney Church (interior)
This is a particularly interesting church, not least because it was dedicated to the five Daughters of Lenin who lived in the sixth century. The arch of the original chancel remains in good condition, there is a Greek cross carved on the lintel of the doorway in the West end of the church. Inside there is a font and two crosses attached to the wall.
Killiney Church (interior)
This is a particularly interesting church, not least because it was dedicated to the five Daughters of Lenin who lived in the sixth century. The arch of the original chancel remains in good condition, there is a Greek cross carved on the lintel of the doorway in the West end of the church. Inside there is a font and two crosses attached to the wall.
George Petrie (musician, artist and scholar) has sketched many of the places in the area and he was particularly impressed by the church and its location and expressed a wish to be buried there. Today the church is in the midst of several houses located off Killiney Hill Road.
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