Kiltuck Cross
Kiltuck Cross
This cross was actually discovered lying broken beside the one at Rathmichael and was discovered by a priest from Ballybrack called Fr. Sherwin. They are quite similar in style except the Kiltuck one features a Crucifixion on only one side. Fr. Sherwin succeeded in having the Cross repaired and restored. In 1983 to mark the Golden Jubilee of the Church of St. Anne, the cross was placed in the church grounds and dedicated.
Kiltuck Cross
This cross was actually discovered lying broken beside the one at Rathmichael and was discovered by a priest from Ballybrack called Fr. Sherwin. They are quite similar in style except the Kiltuck one features a Crucifixion on only one side. Fr. Sherwin succeeded in having the Cross repaired and restored. In 1983 to mark the Golden Jubilee of the Church of St. Anne, the cross was placed in the church grounds and dedicated.
The cross at Rathmichael has a close association with the cross from Kiltuck. This was discovered lying broken beside the Rathmichael cross. Fr. Sherwin a parish priest from Ballybrack was responsible for the removal and repair of this cross.
His objective was to have the Cross erected at the Church of St. Anne in Shankill. He was successful in his endeavours and the cross was dedicated, in 1983,to mark the Golden Jubilee of the church. The only difference between the two is that the Kiltuck one only features the Crucifixion on one face.
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