Settlement in Rathmichael
Rathmichael Round Tower
The remains of this tower indicate that Rathmichael was an important religious settlement. The tower was built to protect the treasures of the church and the monks who would have lived beside the church. It is one of only four recorded in Dublin. It dates from the ninth century and was located beside the church.
Rathmichael Round Tower
The remains of this tower indicate that Rathmichael was an important religious settlement. The tower was built to protect the treasures of the church and the monks who would have lived beside the church. It is one of only four recorded in Dublin. It dates from the ninth century and was located beside the church.
The importance of the church and surrounding area is evidenced by the presence of the Round Tower. This was built to protect the inhabitants and treasures of the sacred ground, in case of attack. This tower is date from the ninth century and is quite unique as only three others were discovered in Dublin.
The tower was constructed using a mixture of stones including granite and clay slate. It is believed that only the base of the tower was built, this is due to the level top on it. Alternatively the tower could have fallen and only the base remains. Apparently the base was used at one time to hold some of the human remains from the graveyard and was known as the 'skull house'.
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