Tully Church
Tully Church
This church has not been used since 1641 and only the ruins remain today. There is a possible connection with St.Brigid, although this has not been proven. The church dates from the ninth century or possibly earlier. It was granted to the 'Priory of the Holy Trinity' in 1179.
Tully Church
This church has not been used since 1641 and only the ruins remain today. There is a possible connection with St.Brigid, although this has not been proven. The church dates from the ninth century or possibly earlier. It was granted to the 'Priory of the Holy Trinity' in 1179.
Tully Church
This church has not been used since 1641 and only the ruins remain today. There is a possible connection with St.Brigid, although this has not been proven. The church dates from the ninth century or possibly earlier. It was granted to the ‘Priory of the Holy Trinity’ in 1179.
Copyright managed by the Library CouncilCopyright managed by the Library Council
Tully Church
This church has not been used since 1641 and only the ruins remain today. There is a possible connection with St.Brigid, although this has not been proven. The church dates from the ninth century or possibly earlier. It was granted to the ‘Priory of the Holy Trinity’ in 1179.
Copyright managed by the Library CouncilSimilarly in relation to Tully church the exact date remains unclear. The ruins are in the townland of Lehaunestown and are said to be of Danish origin. Supposedly dating from the ninth century, the chancel was only added during the thirteenth century.
The church may have been founded or at least had a close association with a St. Brigid. This could push back the date of the church as St. Brigid died in 523 A.D., so the original church would have to date from the sixth century in that case.
There is another Brigid who could be the person connected with Tully, a sister of the five holy ladies of Killiney church. Either way Tully was granted to the Priory of the Holy Trinity in 1179 and by 1615 it too was in ruins. After 1641 the church was no longer in use.
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