A street scene
Main Street, Blackrock.
Colour print of Blackrock Main Street dating from 1904. This picture shows the modes of transport in use at the time, namely trams and horses. The tram- lines are clearly visible in the picture and they curve away from Findlater's shop to make room for deliveries. The distinctive clock, a feature of the Findlater's chain is just visible in the left background.
Image acquired from the Collectors' Shop, Blackrock Market.Image acquired from the Collectors' Shop, Blackrock Market.
Main Street, Blackrock.
Colour print of Blackrock Main Street dating from 1904. This picture shows the modes of transport in use at the time, namely trams and horses. The tram- lines are clearly visible in the picture and they curve away from Findlater's shop to make room for deliveries. The distinctive clock, a feature of the Findlater's chain is just visible in the left background.
Image acquired from the Collectors' Shop, Blackrock Market.Main Street Blackrock (today)
Colour photograph of Blackrock Main Street taken in 2005. This image illustrates the vast difference to the pace of life today as compared to 100 years ago. The modes of transport have changed and many of the shop fronts. The tramlines have vanished and the street shape has been altered with large pavement areas now to the fore.
Main Street Blackrock (today)
Colour photograph of Blackrock Main Street taken in 2005. This image illustrates the vast difference to the pace of life today as compared to 100 years ago. The modes of transport have changed and many of the shop fronts. The tramlines have vanished and the street shape has been altered with large pavement areas now to the fore.
'A picture paints a thousand words'. This is evident from two images of Blackrock Main Street, one taken in 1906 and the other taken in 2005. They are taken from a similar angle and illustrate how much change can occur on a street. Different methods of transport develop; the horse and cart together with trams have been replaced with cars and buses.
The tramlines have been removed and the footpaths widened. The range of shop fronts has greatly changed, although some of the buildings have survived. Findlater's famous clock is gone as indeed is their shop, the Bank of Ireland occupies the site today. The tramlines curved away at the entrance to Findlaters, thereby making a space for deliveries.
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