Stones and slabs
Rathdown Slab No. 2, Rathmichael.
There are 32 slabs recorded in Dublin, divided into two groups. Group B consists of 21 slabs, located at sites around Rathmichael. This slab is attached to the wall of the church ruins in Rathmichael and is well worn. It consists of two sets of concentric circles and there is a cup-mark in the centre of each one.
Rathdown Slab No. 2, Rathmichael.
There are 32 slabs recorded in Dublin, divided into two groups. Group B consists of 21 slabs, located at sites around Rathmichael. This slab is attached to the wall of the church ruins in Rathmichael and is well worn. It consists of two sets of concentric circles and there is a cup-mark in the centre of each one.
Rathdown slabs
Closely linked to the church sites dating from the eleventh and twelfth century are the slabs found in Dublin. It is not possible to date the slabs exactly as Irish kings still ruled in Ireland during the early Viking era and later on many Vikings were inclined towards Christianity, so really the slabs could have been erected at anytime during this period.
There have been 32 slabs recorded in Dublin, mainly in the city, south of the county and into Wicklow. They are classed in two main divisions, A and B. Group A consists of crosses with double raised rings. Group B consists of 21 slabs, located at sites around Rathmichael and feature unique decoration.
The first mention of the slabs in Rathdown was in 1781, by Austin Cooper (noted antiquary) in Stillorgan where he mentioned 'a head stone with rude circles thereon'. It was to be 38 years later before two other slabs were discovered in the area of Rathdown. These were well documented and researched by P.J. O'Reilly in an informative report published in 1901 and this was extended as more slabs were discovered.
Rathdown Slab No. 7, Rathmichael
This slab comes from Group B of the collection and is numbered 7. It is attached to the wall of the church and consists of one large cup-mark. Five lines radiate out from this to the edge of the stone. Other lines combine with this design to form a herringbone pattern.
Rathdown Slab No. 7, Rathmichael
This slab comes from Group B of the collection and is numbered 7. It is attached to the wall of the church and consists of one large cup-mark. Five lines radiate out from this to the edge of the stone. Other lines combine with this design to form a herringbone pattern.
The following unique characteristics apply to the Rathdown slabs; decoration consisting of mainly concentric circles, cup marks, centre bands, herringbone patterns and semi-circular loops and some crosses. All of these characteristics point towards Viking art. The slabs are all made of granite and excluding 3 stones, are between 4 and 5 inches in thickness.
The concentration of slabs is in the Rathmichael area with 10 stones recorded and any similar slabs found being no more than four miles away. The patterns no doubt are significant and bear a close resemblance to slabs found in Scotland and Wales.
Rathdown Slab No.1, Rathmichael.
This slab features two sets of three concentric circles. They are joined together by a central band and this is divided into three by transverse lines. One set of the circles has been broken away, one set contains a cup-mark
Rathdown Slab No.1, Rathmichael.
This slab features two sets of three concentric circles. They are joined together by a central band and this is divided into three by transverse lines. One set of the circles has been broken away, one set contains a cup-mark
This suggests the influence of missionary contacts between the countries during the Early Christian period. Also they indicate the widespread settlement of the Vikings in the area and the influence they could have had on the church, not just through the artwork on the stones.
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