Bullaun stones
Bullaun Stone, Kilternan
Bullaun stones are stones containing one or more depressions made into the stone. The originated in the Neolithic period although most of the remains have been found in early monastic sites. They have a strong superstitious link and there original function is not clear. They were also known as 'cursing stones'. Another feature worth mentioning from this image is a twelfth century round-headed window
Bullaun Stone, Kilternan
Bullaun stones are stones containing one or more depressions made into the stone. The originated in the Neolithic period although most of the remains have been found in early monastic sites. They have a strong superstitious link and there original function is not clear. They were also known as 'cursing stones'. Another feature worth mentioning from this image is a twelfth century round-headed window
A bullaun stone was found at Kilgobbin Cross. The purpose of these stones was not clear. They are also known as 'cursing stones' or 'curing stones'. They consisted of a stone with one or more depressions in it. They date from the Neolithic period although many have been found around early monastic sites.
Women sometimes 'cured' people by rolling the stones. They have a superstitious element associated with them and an air of mystery.
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