Coney Island
Coney Island Map
There are 14 pillars along the 2.4km route from Cummeen Strand to the island. They were erected in 1845 to provide markers to guide people to the island. The island can only be reached when the tides are low. Coney island is named for the rabbits which inhabit it. Coney Island in New York is believed to have been named after the island.
Copyright Sligo County Library.Copyright Sligo County Library.
Coney Island Map
There are 14 pillars along the 2.4km route from Cummeen Strand to the island. They were erected in 1845 to provide markers to guide people to the island. The island can only be reached when the tides are low. Coney island is named for the rabbits which inhabit it. Coney Island in New York is believed to have been named after the island.
Copyright Sligo County Library.Copyright Ordnance Survey Ireland
This is an aerial photograph of Sligo Bay. Do you think Coney Island is clearly visible? Does it look exactly like its map?
Question Time!
Why is Coney Island named after rabbits?
What do you think is the connection between rabbits and the name Coney Island?
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