Thomas MacGreevy: a chronology
Thomas MacGreevy, European
MacGreevy poses for a photograph during his European sojourn
Thomas MacGreevy, European
MacGreevy poses for a photograph during his European sojourn
Thomas MacGreevy born the fifth of seven children in Tarbert, Co. Kerry, 26 October. His father, Thomas MacGreevy, was a policeman, and his mother, Margaret née Enright, a primary school teacher. He attended national school until the age of sixteen, then studied privately for the civil service.
Passed the Boy Clerk examination for the British civil service and moved to Dublin to begin work with the Irish Land Commission. In April 1912 was transferred to London to work with the Wales. At the outbreak of the Great War was Charity Commissioner for England and promoted to second division clerk working with the Intelligence Department of the Admiralty.
In March 1917 joined the British Army as a gunner. Was promoted in November to second lieutenant in the Royal Field Artillery. Served in the front lines of the Ypres Salient and the Somme where he was wounded twice.
Demobilized. Attended Trinity College, Dublin, on a scholarship for ex-officers of the Great War, taking an honours degree in political science and history (concentrating on the French Revolution). While at Trinity was a member of the Dublin Arts Club and the Dublin Drama League.
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