Sgraffito Wine Jug
Made near Bordeaux, Saintonge in south-west France, this 13th century wine jug represents the prestige end of the pottery market. The method of decoration is called sgraffito and this is an almost complete example of several such jugs found in the Waterford excavations showing a fox-and-cockerel motif. It was found in the stone-lined cesspit of a house in Peter Street along with other unusual and expensive pottery namely Flemish highly decorated ware and a German jug/jar.
Wine was transported in giant sacks called hogsheads and the wine jugs were a by-product of that trade. The ships' masters or other members of crew sold them to the innkeepers and householders of Waterford.
Date/Period: c.1250 A.D./Anglo-Norman
Collection: Waterford City Council
Dimensions: 260 height mm
Material: potteryinventory no.:1999.0047
Location: Waterford Museum of Treasures exhibition
Provenance: Found in excavations of Waterford city centre 1986-1992
Further Reading:
Late Viking Age & Medieval Waterford Excavations 1986-1992. ISBN 1 872002 98 6
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