Gold Finger Ring
This ring is another example of the very fine jewellery found in the Waterford excavations and is either of antique Roman or Italian Renaissance origin as the gemstone depicts a classical motif - a man in armour putting his hand into a fire and making an offering.
The stone is sard or chalcedony and the engraving is carefully cut and polished and shows use of several tools. The ring may have been brought to Waterford by a clergyman or pilgrim returning from Rome. Incidentally the ring is of very wide girth.
Gold finger ring
This ring is either of antique Roman or Italian Renaissance origin as the gemstone depicts a classical motif
Gold finger ring
This ring is either of antique Roman or Italian Renaissance origin as the gemstone depicts a classical motif
date/period: 1570 A.D./early modern or possibly antique Roman
inventory no.: 1999.492
collection: Waterford City Council
location: Waterford Museum of Treasures exhibition
dimensions: Ring 22 internal diameter; stone 14.5 x 10.7 mm
provenance: Found in excavations of Waterford city centre 1986-1992
material: gold, sard
Further Reading:
Late Viking Age & Medieval Waterford Excavations 1986-1992. ISBN 1 872002 98 6
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