Zero Carbon Britain


Zero Carbon Britain 2030 is a fully integrated vision of how Britain can respond to the challenges of  climate change, resource depletion and global inequity. It examines how Britain can meet its electricity and heating requirements through efficient service provision, while still decreasing emissions. There are many potential solutions already in existence and in operation, ready for wider application. In addition, it shows that making the necessary transition to a low-carbon future would not only stimulate the economy and create employment, it would also provide greater security, freedom and an enriched quality of life.

The 2010 report provides some background contextual information on climate change. It then examines how Britain can reduce heat and electricity demand largely through new technology, efficient design and behaviour change. It looks in depth at two key sectors: the built environment, and transport. The third section identifies the emissions originating from land use and how these can be reduced. It also examines how Britain can use the land to provide resources to help the other sectors to decarbonise and sequester residual emissions. The final section highlights the potential for renewables in the UK and demonstrates how energy demand can be met through the use of renewable technology by 2030.

The report demonstrates that Britain has the potential to become a global leader in sustainable technology and policy. The report is intended to act as a reference point for politicians and policy makers. It can also be used as an educational tool and can help local community groups and enthusiasts gain a broad knowledge of solutions to climate change.

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