
Dublin City

Dublin City Council recognises the need to develop green business to help us transition to a low carbon society and ensure job creation in a growing area. Green business support for micro- enterprises and SMEs, as well as city-scale corporate partnerships and strategies, has been identified as an important element of the Dublin City Council Sustainability Planning process, where green business is discussed at the highest level. One development that is assisting green business start-ups is hot-desking.

Hot-desking is where people use the same desk at different times. It is designed for workers who do not  need continuous desk access saving on financial and other resources. However, it is seen as an innovative setting for start-ups, where space, resources, connections, knowledge and experience can be provided. The Hub, a social enterprise, with offices based in London and various cities around the world offers space with the tools to set up new business and space for networking and creating synergies.

Dublin City Council is involved with the The Digital Hub which will provide flexible working space in an environment that encourages collaboration and co-operation.


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