- Barnard, T.C.: "The gentrification of eighteenth century Ireland' in Eighteenth Century Ireland, 12, (1997)
- Gaughan, 101
- Idem
- Culhane, 31. T.E Culhane to the Knight of Glin (undated but subsequent to Sept. 9th, 1957)
- S Hickson, M.A. in Kerry Evening Post. Cuttings I now R.I.A. RRG33.9.115. Cf. Also Hickson, M.A.:
- Selections from old Kerry records 1. (London, 1872) 6 R.D. 107/310/74275 (dated 28 November 1741)
- The acts of 1704 (2 Anne C.6 - March 4,1704) and 1709 (8 Anne C3. - August 30, 1709)
- Fitzgerald (2)
- N.A. Shelf 2/447/19 - Council Office - Calendar of Presentments c. 1698 - 1813 - Limerick City and County 1702-1800. 190 under 14 July 1746.
- R.D. 255/207/164348 (dated 19th Feb. 1767)
- Gaughan, 112; Culhane, 111-2 for Creagh pedigree cf. Burke's Landed Gentry, 1857.
- L.E.P. 17 Feb. 1829
- N.L.I. Ms. 10 (Harris CollectaneaVol 10) 277.
- Gaughan, 58
- Idem
- Loc. Cit.; 16 (a) Fitzgerald, Desmond, Knight of Glin (Part 2 - Glin Castle and its Contents) in Gaughan, 175
- A list of The Claims as they are entered with the trustees at Chichester House at College Green, Dublin on or before the tenth of August, 1700. Dublin, Aug, 1701, 189
- Idem 714
- Loc. Cit.
- A.J. Navraril to Knight of Glin (31/1.2000) Contains P,MacCotters "An Historical Account of Ballynacorra House1 14
- Cf. Hickson (5) above References
- Letter from A.). Navratil to Knight of Glin containing Paul MacCotter's "An Historical Account of Ballynacorra House." 14
- Gaughan, 63, Culhane 29 and 168
- Letter from T.F. Culhane to The Knight of Glin (undated - it was written sometime after September 1957). Cf. Culhane 30 Gaughan 63.
- Dickson, David. Artic Ireland, Belfast, The White Row Press, 1997, 83 n. 67
- For a brief account of this forgotten famine in which almost 500,000 people died cf. Dickson, David: Artic Ireland. Belfast, The White Row Press. 1997.
- Cf. Culhane, Thomas F: Traditions of Glin and Its Neighbourhood in Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historic Society. No. 2. 1969 re-published in Culhane pp 162-194 for ref. Cf. P. 140. Culhane, 168.
- R.D. 102/391/71354
- 0 Buachalla, Brendán: Aisling Ghear: Na Stiobharraigh agus An tAos Linn 1603-1788. Baile Atha Cliath, An Cl6chomhar Tta. 1996. 352. R.I.A. 23, B. 38, 1023 0 20, 91. 12-E 22; 39, 23 L 35, 27. 2Q. C. 56 23'; 23-D. 8. 281, 38, 23. E. 15:1; U.C.C, Tórna 6a, Irisleabhar na Oaedhighe. 7(1896-7) 98-9. o hAnluain, Foghan: Sean 0 hUairhnim, Baile Atha Cliath, Cumann Merriman, 1993. 14.
- Loc. Cit.
- Ibid.
- Letter from Eamonn 0 Ciarda, Univ. of Toronto to author 15/9/2000. It is interesting to note that another Co. Limerick magnate Henry Ingoldsby M.P. was suspected of having 'links with the exiled Jacobite Duke of Ormonde' in 1719 when his Dublin house was searched cf. Archbishop Lindsay of Armagh to A. Charlet, 31 Jan. 17 18(19) Bodleian Library, Oxford, Ballard MS 8 f. 1 13v.
- Gaughan 65.
- Id. Loc. Cf. Hoppen, K.T. and de BrOn, P. 'Samuel Molyneaux tour of Kerry, 1709' Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society' No. 3 (1970)
- Gaughan, 66, '1740' was remembered as 'Bliain an air (the year of destruction) not only for the accidental burning of Glin Hall but throughout Ireland because of the great frost and consequential- famine of 1740-41. Cf. Dickson, Davidi Artic Ireland. 11
- R.D. 107/503/1 75156
- Gaughan, 66
- ODonoghue, T. (Editor): D6nta Aodhag~in Uf Rathaile: the poems of Egan ORahilly. Irish Texts Society, iii, (2nd ed) 1911. No. XXVI pp. 146-158
- Hartnett, Michael: 0 Rarhaille, Gallery Books, 1998. 25-3 1
- Hartnett, Michael: 0 Rarhaille, Gallery Books, 1998. 25-3 1
- 0 Byrne, Eileen: The Convert Rolls (Coimisiiin Laimhscribhinni na hEireann) Edited by Eileen OByrne. Dublin, Stationary Office, 1981. 277.
- F.D.J. Jan 7 - Jan 11th, 1752.
- Hickson, M.A. (Mrs.) Unpublished Kerry Records - cuttings from Kerry Evening Post. Cuttings 1 (in Royal Irish Academy, RR.O. 33.9 (Fuller Cuttings 1) p. 115 (from K of 0. Papers)
- Loc. Cit.
- T.C.D. Mun. P/23/1415 (fourth page) last entry for 'College v Fitzgerald' is under 'Trinity 1732'
- See MacCruitfn, Aindrias (MacCurtin, Andrew) poem on death of Thomas Oeanncach 'Diombuan dligheadh c6ile don Ghleann' copy in NLI. 0. 443, 157 edited by Liam. 0 Luaighnigh: Danta Aindreis Mhic Cruirin (Ennis, Glare Champion, 1935) 25-7. Copies of this poem are also in the R.I.A. (1) and St. Patrick's Maynooth (2)
- 6 hEichthigheirn, Domhnall; 'M'ochlThsa Tomas f~ dhfon sa bhfeart Copies in R.I.A. (3) and at Cambridge University Library, Add. 4182, 170. For 'date 1732 cf. Also Culhane. 30, and particularly 168.
- T.C.D. Mun /P/23/1345.
- Cf. 0 Byrne, Eileen: The Convert Rolls, Dublin, 1981. 100
- Alphabetical list of Converts from Popery to Protestant Religion in Ireland, from Commencement of the Reign of Queen Anne, to lT72-pp 1 - 153, filed in Rolls Office, Dublin - destroyed in 1922. This was the primary source. A pamphlet (Dublin 1732) enti tled 'An Exact list of all such persons who have con formed to the Church of Ireland from the Popish. religion and enrolled their certificates since the year 1703...' largely taken from the Alphabetical list. British Library Ms. Egerton 77 is an exa~r copy of Lodge's Convert Book. John Fitzgerald conformed 23rd August, and was certified 26th August and enrolled 27th August, 1730. Cf. OByrne, 100. Cf. Also Lenihan, Maurice, Limerick; it's History and Antiquities Dublin (1866) 373. Quoted by Gaughan, 67. Culhane 31, 168. Cf. Murphy: Diocese of Killaloe 18th Century p. 167.
- Alphabetical list of Converts from Popery to Protestant Religion in Ireland, from Commencement of the Reign of Queen Anne, to lT72-pp 1 - 153, filed in Rolls Office, Dublin - destroyed in 1922. This was the primary source. A pamphlet (Dublin 1732) enti tled 'An Exact list of all such persons who have con formed to the Church of Ireland from the Popish. religion and enrolled their certificates since the year 1703...' largely taken from the Alphabetical list. British Library Ms. Egerton 77 is an exa~r copy of Lodge's Convert Book. John Fitzgerald conformed 23rd August, and was certified 26th August and enrolled 27th August, 1730. Cf. OByrne, 100. Cf. Also Lenihan, Maurice, Limerick; it's History and Antiquities Dublin (1866) 373. Quoted by Gaughan, 67. Culhane 31, 168. Cf. Murphy: Diocese of Killaloe 18th Century p. 167.
- Alphabetical list of Converts from Popery to Protestant Religion in Ireland, from Commencement of the Reign of Queen Anne, to lT72-pp 1 - 153, filed in Rolls Office, Dublin - destroyed in 1922. This was the primary source. A pamphlet (Dublin 1732) enti tled 'An Exact list of all such persons who have con formed to the Church of Ireland from the Popish. religion and enrolled their certificates since the year 1703...' largely taken from the Alphabetical list. British Library Ms. Egerton 77 is an exa~r copy of Lodge's Convert Book. John Fitzgerald conformed 23rd August, and was certified 26th August and enrolled 27th August, 1730. Cf. OByrne, 100. Cf. Also Lenihan, Maurice, Limerick; it's History and Antiquities Dublin (1866) 373. Quoted by Gaughan, 67. Culhane 31, 168. Cf. Murphy: Diocese of Killaloe 18th Century p. 167.
- Alphabetical list of Converts from Popery to Protestant Religion in Ireland, from Commencement of the Reign of Queen Anne, to lT72-pp 1 - 153, filed in Rolls Office, Dublin - destroyed in 1922. This was the primary source. A pamphlet (Dublin 1732) enti tled 'An Exact list of all such persons who have con formed to the Church of Ireland from the Popish. religion and enrolled their certificates since the year 1703...' largely taken from the Alphabetical list. British Library Ms. Egerton 77 is an exa~r copy of Lodge's Convert Book. John Fitzgerald conformed 23rd August, and was certified 26th August and enrolled 27th August, 1730. Cf. OByrne, 100. Cf. Also Lenihan, Maurice, Limerick; it's History and Antiquities Dublin (1866) 373. Quoted by Gaughan, 67. Culhane 31, 168. Cf. Murphy: Diocese of Killaloe 18th Century p. 167.
- Quoted above in text.
- 2 Anne. Chapter 6 Cf. Chenevix Trench, Charles: Grace's Card: Irish Catholic Landlords 1690-1800, 57-58 and Murphy, Rev. Ignatius: The Diocese of Killaloe in the Eighteenth Century, Dublin, Four Courts Press, (1991) 34
- Cf. OByme, Eileen: The Convert Rolls, Dublin (1981)
- Power, T.P. and Whelan, K. (eds): Endurance and Emergence, Catholics in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century (Dublin) 1990. Esp. Chapter Catholic Social Classes under the Penal Laws'
- Murphy, Rev. Ignarius: The Diocese of Killaloe in the Eighteenth Century, Dublin, Four Courts Press (1991) 71, 165. Cf. Also Griffin, 'Nunziatura de Finadra' fn Collectanea Hibernica 10 (1~67) 88-91.
- Gaughan, 67
- Chenevix Trench, Charles: Grace's Card: Irish Catholics Landlords 1690-1800 Cork, Mercier Press, 1997. 64-66
- Culhane, 31, 168 'mar dihan s~ dilis don tsean - chreideamh go bhfuair s~ b~s (trans: he remained faithful to the old religion until he died)
- The date is given in N.L.I.D. 26669 (Rowan Papers) (which is an early copy an an indented deed made by Thomas Fitzgerald, Knight of Glin on 28th April 1781) Cf. Also RD 3391392/229209
- R.D. 107/310/742'~5
- Archivicum Hibernicum, Vol. 2 Dublin, Record Society, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth 1913. 169. The original petition (signed June 1737) was in Ms form in the archives of San Clemente and Sr. Isidore, Rome c. 1913.
- Sheedy, Kieran: The Clare Elections, Dun Laoghaire, Bauroe Publications, 1993. 60
- Cf. Ref (5) above
- N.A M5541 (Rental of Glin Estate 1857 to year ending March 1858) RD 77/101/52490 (dated 20th January 1733)
- For the Studderts Cf Burkes Irish Family Records (1976) 1068-1078; Studdert, Robert Hallam: The Studdert Family. Notes and records compiled by Robert Hallam Studdert. For private circulation, Dublin, The Sign of the Three Candles, 1960; Mclnemey, Bilk The Studdert of Kilkishen in The Other Clare, Vol 4 (April 1980) p.p. 32-34.
- Charlotte Grace O'Brien tells a legend of rh~ Felans of Cahirmoyle in one of her sonnetrs.
- RD. 83/63/57565
- RD. 758/297/515032. Turbary is term for turf cutting rights.
- RD 79/418/56672
- For Thomas Keane cf. O'Hart, John: Irish Pedigrees: 'or,the original and stem of the Irish nation. (Dublin, 1878) p.p. 496-499. (Keane no. 2) Thomas later married Elizabeth MacDonnell, widow of Charles MacDonnell of Kilkee, who died in April 1788 (C.J. 1 May 1788) This Thomas was son of'Robert of Ross'. Cf. Also Hayes, Richard "The O'Cahans - a notable Irish Military Family' in The Irish Sword. Vol. 1 (1949-53) and R.I.A. Ms. RR/14.1 B5 - 'Lee second fils ~Je Robert OKean est. Thomas O'Kean, marie ~ Ia veave MacDonnell, m6re du Charles MacDonnell, Madame OKane, autrement MacDonnell, est O'Brien de son nom de famille et est de Ia maison de Thomond'
- Cf. Note (62) above.
- Ridgeway, William: Report of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Errors. In the High Court of Parliament in Ireland. Dublin, 1795. 333.
- Id. Loc.
- R.D. 90/536/66088
- ODonovan, John. Place-Name Books (Co. Limerick) (1839-40) 965. I am indebted to Mr. Tom Donovan for this reference.
- RD 90/536/66088
- Gaughan, 68
- Knight of Glin Papers: Unpublished letter from Lord Dunboyne to the Knight of Glin (dated 19: 7:1971)
- Turainn r~mhrha Mhic Gearailt. Edited 6 Foghludha, R: Cois na Bride. (Baile Arha Cliath) (1937)No.5
- A tire Phl~is, is n~ir an gnfomh duit. Cf. Gaughan, 148.
- F6ilre agus fiche tré athas cumainn. Cf. Gaughan, 149
- Mo thubhaist, mo dhamaid, mo dheacair, mo lean, mo chreach. Edited 0 Foghludha, R: Cois Caoinreathaige (Baile A.rha Cliath 1946) No. 36 cf. Gaughan, 150
- Mo thurainnchreach mo Ridire aniar 6n Gleann cf. Gaughan 150
- Cf. 2nd (82) above
- Cf. Ref. (85) above.
- 0 Foghludha, Risr~ard: Cois Na Bride: Liam Inglis O.S.A. 1709-1778. Baile Arha Cliath. (nd. 1937?) 5
- Croftoe Croker, Thomas: The Keen' of the South of Ireland....London, Percy Society, 1844. 45
- Hickson, M.A in Kerry Evening Post Cuttings I now R.I.A. RR 0 33.9 p1 15. Cf also Hickson, M.A.: Selections from old Kerry Records. Vol I (London) 1872.
- Cork Weekly Examiner, 9 May, 1903
- Cionnas ar~. ~irithe an ghuibfn r6is?
- Attributed to John, Knight of Glin obit 1737 copies in R.I.A. N.L.I. MN. 'St. Coleman's College, Fermoy and other copies. In Maynooth Ms. Murphy 7. (23 G24) 153m. the poem is addressed to the daughter of O'Conchubhair (O'Connor) (of Carraig an Phoill, Co. Kerry) while in R.I.A. Ms. 257 (23 0 24) 153m. it is dedicated to the daughters of John of the Wine who may have been one and the same person.
- P.O. Fr. 12th - 16th October 1736
- R.D. 102/391/71354
- RD 106/77/7279.1
- For Daniel Huleatt and family cf. Weir, Hugh: John Huleatr of Tuamgraney and the vicissitudes of his fam ily, in The Other Clare Vol XI (March 1987) 42-43
- P.O. 8th - 11th December 1739
- Nugent, Michael and Lee, Richard: The Temple and the Lodge. 184; Chenevix Trench, Charles: Grace s Card: Irish Catholic Landlords 1690-1800. 114. For the Kingstons cf. Power, Bill: White Knights Dark Earls: The Rise and Fall of an Anglo Irish Dynasty, Cork, Collins Press, 2000.
- Bence - Jones, Mark: The Catholic Families, London, Constable, 1992. 44
- Cf. Note (100) above
- Quoted in Chenevix Trench: Grace's Card, 34
- P.O. 8th-lith December, 1739
- Cf. 'A Weird Romance: Story of the Hell-Fire Club" in L.L. (Sat) Jan 9. 1926.
- Quoted in Crooksbank, Anne and Glin, the Knight of, in Irish Potraits 1660-1860. (Published by the Paul Mellon Foundation for British Art 1969. 41 Original poem by Dan Hayes: The Works in Verse by Daniel Hayes Esq. 1769 Eclogue 3.
- 1 am grateful to Mrs. Elizabeth Hanlon, Sutton, Co. Dublin for pointing out certain similarities between the painting and the portrait.
- Gaughan, 70
- 'I lost a very good friend who was very intelligent in ye history of our ancient nobility and genealogy in Mr. Fitzgerald 0f Glin and he often gave me great satisfaction "Dr. Richard Anketell (Limerick) to Sir. Edward 0' Brien, Dromoland dated 7th February 1761 now in the Inchiquin Mss. At N.L.1. cf. Answorth, John: The Inchquin Manuscripts. Dublin, Irish Manuscript Commission, (1961) 587
- Lodge, John: The Peerage of Ireland or A Genealogical History...Dublin, 1789, 61
- Id. Loc.
- ld.Loc
- P.R.O.N,I. Belfast (Castle Ward Letter Book) 6, 61 Perhaps portion of letter dated July the 19th, 1740"
- Cf. O'Byrne, Eileen: The Convert Rolls....( 1981) 100. 7 Lenihan: History of Limerick, 373~; Egerton Ms. 77 etc.
- R.D. 191/334/128321 (dated 16th September 1750)
- 'The said Denny (Baker Cuffe) married as his second wife, Anne; daughter of (Maurice) Cuffe of Freshford' (Lodge, John: The Peerage of Ireland (1789) p. 61 in 1766 (Gaughan 143 - Genealogy of the Knights of Glin drawn up by Brian Fitzelle)
- He died in 1790. (Cf. Vicars: Index to Prerogative Wills of Ireland) 115. She died 24th October 1776 (Gaughan 143)
- Cf. Bakewell, Michael and Melissa: Augusta Leigh: Byron's Half-sister, London, Chatto and Windus 2000.
- F.DJ. October 2lst - 25th, 1740
- R.D. 107/503/175156 (dated 7th October, 1742)
- Id. Loc
- F.D.J. 7th-lith Jan; llth-l4th Jan; l4th-l8rh Jan; l8rh-2lst Jan; 2lst-2Sth Jan; 25th-28th Jan. 1752.
- Cf. Ref (9) above when Edmund was free.
- 3 Geo 11 c 20. Sect. 29. (1729)
- Cf. Kelly, David: The Conditions cf. Debtors and Insolvents 2 in Eighteenth Century - Dublin in Dickson, David (Editor) The Gorgeous Mask: Dublin 1700-1850, Dublin, Trinity History Workshop, 1987. 101
- Id. Loc. 105, 3 Geo. 11. C. 20 sect. 29 (1729)
- F,D.J. 21st - 24th Dec. 24th - 28th Dec, 1751.
- Cf. Ref (9) above
- RD. 140/470/96056 (dated 4th September 1750) and IR.D. 191/334/128321 (dated 16th September 1750) & R.D. 152/312/101881 dared 19/20 Dec. 1750 where Edmond is described as 'late of Glin in ye Co. of Limerick and now of the City of Dublin'
- "The Long View' B.B.C. 4 10 October 2000 - The Fate of Women in debt considered through the life of~
- Laetitia Pilkington. ED.J. llrh-2Orh March 1741-2
- Gilbert, J.T.: History of the City of Dublin, 3 Vols. Dublin 1854-9; 2nd ed. With index 1978 index Debtors etc.
- Cf. Ref. (122) above
- Cf. E.g. ED.J. 29th July - 2nd Aug. 1760
- R.D. 140/470/96056
- Cf. Ref. (122) above
- Cf. Ref. (127) above
- H.C. 19th Feb. 1773
- H.C. 25 Feb; ED.J. 25th - 27th Feb; L.J. 27 Feb; D.H.J. 1 Mar; D.M. 2nd March; P.0, 27th Feb - 2nd Mar. H.1 1st Mar-3rd March; EJ. 2nd Mar-4th March H,M. for March, (160) 1773;
- O.E.D. Vol. XVI (under Ser-Sossy Seraglio is described as an inmate of a harem or a polygamous household. In 1773 Mozart composed his ballet Le gelosie del seraglio, a work which made the word popular. Charlotte Bronr~ wrote in Jane Eyre Chapt. 24 'I would not exchange this one little English girl for the grand Turks whole seraglio'
- Taylor, John: The Misceallaneous Works of John Taylor consisting of Letters, Songs, Poems, Enigmas, Rebuses, Acrostics, etc &c. Limerick, 1787. 12
- Culhane, 18, 34. Gaughan, 71
- Ruvigny and Raineval, Marquis of: The Jacobite Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage.. Edinburth, Jack 1904. 25; G.E.C. Complete Barontage, Vol 5, 406-7; Complete Peerage. Vol. 2. 469; Butler, T. Blake: The Pedigree of Boyle Roche, Barr in The Irish Genealogist. Vol. 2 No. 8 (1950) 240-244; Holly, Denis and Josephine: Tarbert on the Shannon, Ballyshannon Donegal Democrat, 1981, 27. I am grateful to the Knight of Glin for many of these references.
- G.E.C. Complete Barontage. Vol. 5 407 footnote (c)
- Culhane, 34
- Culhane 18, 34. Letter from Thomas F. Culhane to The Knight of Glin 30th November 1957 and letter from same to same (undated but post Sept 9th, 1957)
- Cf. Burke's Irish Family Records (1976) 431 for Firzgibbon family of Co. Limerick
- An oval cake-basket with Fitzgerald - Fitzgibbon arms by Robert Makepeace of Dublin, 1770. I am grateful to the Knight of Glin for this information on 13th April 2000.
- R.D. 257/58/58-63 (dated 21st April, 1767)
- Idc. Loc.
- F.D.J. 4th-7th January 1755
- L.C. 25 July 1792
- Croker, Thomas F. The Keen of the South of Ireland London,. Percy Society, 1844. 43 where Croker quotes~a letter of the rhen Knight of Glin (dated Sept; 27, 1834)
- Id. Loc,
- Idem
- Gaughan, 73
- Barry, Michael: An Affair of Honour: Irish Duels and Duellists, Fermoy, Eigse Books 1981, 124
- P.O. 7th-lOth March 1741, Reillys, Dublin News Letter. 10-14 March, 1740-41
- Id. Loc.
- Gaughanp.l85andp.186; 160A. R.D. 265/136/173005 (dated 21st May, 1766) R.D. 266/149/169350 (dated 19 June, 1766) and especially R.D, 255/304/164990 (dated 20th April, 1767) where Richard leased the Glin race field to Gerald Blennerhassetr of Riddlestown.
- Knight of Kerry Papers. Vols.1-2. Letter dated Ardfert, July 28th, 1746; P.R.O.N.1.T. 285 1/1/8. cf. also Glin, the Knight of; Three Eighteenth Century Letters from Lady Theodosia Crosbie in Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society No. 17 (1984) 77-88.
- F.D.J. 7-10 February, 1747.
- F.D.J. 27-30 June, 1747.
- I am greatly indebted to Mr. Paddy Nolan, M.R.C.V,S.. (Kilkee) for much information on the Clogheen races, on the Racing Calendar and on the subsequent history of Clogheen etc.
- ED.J. 14-17 July, 1747.
- I am greatly indebted to the Knight of Glin for much information on the Cloheen Tazzas.
- F.D.J. 5-9 September, 1749.
- EDI. 12-16 Septerrsber, 1749.
- F.D.J. 17-21 July, 1750.
- L,C. 13 October 1768; Cf. Also Fitzgerald and McGregor: The History, Topography and Antiquities of Limerick (1827) Vol. 2.471-2 Cf. also Fr. James White's account in his History of Limerick sub 1765 (B.L, Add Ms 31, 886.189)
- Id. Loc
- N.A,/Shelf 2/447/19 190 Cf. Ref (9) above
- Id. Loc
- N.A./Shelf 2/447/19. 191
- M.J. 19, 23 April, 1750
- Idem
- N.A.Shelf2/447/19/191
- M.J. 2nd April, 1750.
- Id. Loc.
- N.L.I. P.C. 188, Box 1 folder 47 (Talbor Crosbie Papers) Letter from Robert Fitzgerald, Glin dated August 15, 1753 to Win. Crosbie about a hill in preparation in the British Parliament for establishing Lord Powis's title to Castleisland etc.
- R.D. 191/334/128321 (dated 16th September 1750) For Roberts agreement with Edmund cf. Rd. 152/3 12/10188 1
- Cf. Ridgeway, Win: Report of cases:.,In....Parliament, (1795) Vol.2 335
- R.I.A. RR. 0. 33. 9 (Kerry Evening Post Cuttings published by MA. Hickson. Wilt dated 13th November, 1753, proved same year.
- Rd. 266/149/169350 (dated 19th June 1766)
- Deed of 10th April 1772 between Sir Henry Harstonge and Win. Hogg. The house was sited at the corner of the present day O'Connell Street and William Street, opposite Roches Stores. I am grateful to Tom Donovan for a copy of this deed courtesy of Mr. Brian Hodkinson.
- Bartholomew Hickie was brother in law to Richard, Knight of Glin having married his wife's Marys sister Jane (cf. B.I.ER. (1976) under Firzgibbon (Co. Limerick) 431; Hickie is described in Ferrar's Limerick Directory of 1769 as a 'Woollen - draper, Main Street E' in Limerick.
- L.C, 8 December, 1774
- H.C.9 - 13 March; D.G. 11-14 March, EJ. 14-16 March, H.J. 15-17 March 1775. Cf, Also H.M. for April 1775, 255 under March deaths.
- H.C. 26-29 June, 1775; RD. 312/354/208895.
- For Chronicum Scororum cf. Hennessy William (Editor) Chronicum Scororum, London, Langmans, 1866.
- 0 Conchiiiir, Breand~in: Scriobhairhe Chorcaf 1700 - 1850. Baile Atha Cliath, 1982, 88, 239 and notes 64 to 65,
- Inferred from (191)
- R.D. 339/392/229209 (dated 23rd October, 1781)
- Id. Loc.
- N.L.I. Ms. 16093 (Co. Limerick Poll Book 4th May 1761)
- Hickson, MA. Cf. Ref. (5) above.
- N,L.I, Ms. 13037, 14 (Heron Papers) speaker Pery, Limerick to Heron, dated 30 May 1779. I am indebted to the Knight of Glin for this reference.
- Cf, Ref. (140) above
- R.D. 255/207/164348 dated 19th February, 1767.
- Id. Loc.
- Thomas Fitzgerald to Stephen Creagh (undated but received 27th July, 1759. Knight of Kerry Papers (London) Vol. 1. 153
- S.N.L. 20 Ocr. D.E.P, 20 Oct; EJ. 23-25 Oct; D.J. 23-25 Ocr. 1781
- D.H.J. 22 Ocr; H,C. 15 Oct. 1781
- Gaughan, 82
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