Market St, Ballinrobe
Ref no. 43283, Valentine.
National Library of IrelandNational Library of Ireland
Market St, Ballinrobe
Ref no. 43283, Valentine.
National Library of Ireland
Ballinrobe, or Baile an Rodhba (town on the Robe), sited east of Lough Mask on the road between Galway and Castlebar, developed around a 7th-century church built on the River Robe, which runs through the town and gives it its name. , Ballinrobe became established after the arrival of the Normans in the 13th century. The Augustinians built an abbey there in the 14th century under the patronage of the De Burgos In 1837, Ballinrobe consisted of one principal street from which others diverged, containing houses that were nearly all well built and slated. The original uses of the streets are suggested by their names - Glebe Street was originally Church of Ireland property and Cornmarket was the market place for wheat, oats and barley .
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