Blue Tit

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Blue tit

Meantán gorm

Like the blackbird, the blue tit is a very common bird in Ireland. It can be found in woodlands, farmlands, parks and gardens. It is a very colourful little bird, with a green back, yellow belly and white cheeks. The top of its head is blue, and so are its wings and its tail.

The blue tit is a very active bird, and busies itself with building its nest and gathering food. It makes its nest in holes in trees, walls and will readily make use of nest boxes that we put out in the garden. Both the male and the female collect moss, grass, wool and even hair to make the nest, but the female is in charge of building it.

It must be very cosy for her young with all the wool and moss to keep them warm!

Feeding Time!

Bird Table

Blue tits are very clever birds when it comes to searching for food. Did you know that they can peel the bark off trees to forage for insects underneath?

They are very acrobatic and will often hang upsidedown on branches so it can peck the bark away!

They love to eat seeds and insects. They will also very happily nibble from nutfeeders if you hang one from a tree in your garden, or feed from scraps left on bird tables.

Do you have a bird table in your garden? Have you ever seen this little bird swinging from the branches to search for food?

Listen to the blue tit's song

Bluetit Song

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  and maybe you'll recognise it from your garden.