Account Books & Rentals

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Various account books are often found amongst estate papers. These include rental accounts and ledgers showing rents paid by tenants; farm account books detailing expenditure and recipts in the runnning of a farm; and household accounts showing expenditure on food, materials and labour.

91 Half Yearly Rental of Viscount Doneraile's Estates in the Counties of Cork, Tipperary, and Waterford due 1st May 1823. This gives the rental Doneraile received from each of his estates. A rental gives an accurate account of the income that a landlord received from his estates as well as an impression of the financial situation of an estate and the situation of the Tenants. (May 1823) (Lord Doneraile Papers)

125 Household and Farm Account Book for the year beginning 22 September 1834 and ending 26 of September 1835. This details the expenditure of the house on various household items such as candles, as well as work done on the house such as repairs. It also contains farm accounts, probably for the demense farm, detailing the purchase and sale of livestock. The account book gives an insight into the costs of the maintenance of a 'Big House'.(Ryan Purcell Estate Papers) (1834-1835)

314 Household account book of William Coppinger of Barryscourt, Midleton, county Cork. Accounts of household items and their cost such as £1.10s paid for two silk stockings. Also accounts of rent allowed to tenants for improvements or repairs carried out on their holdings, amounts paid to household servants and summaries of some yearly rentals. (1761-1773) (Exham Flynn Solicitors Papers)

An extract from the household account book of William Coppinger
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42 Rentals and Accounts, Rathcoole, Garryadeen and Ballyvourney Estates of Sir George St. John Colthurst. Rentals ending 29th September and 1st November 1895 and accounts ending 22nd November 1895. Gives tenant names, rent due, rent received, arrears owed, and fixed charges owed on each holding such as poor rates. Principle accounts for the two estates shows income and expenditure. Income includes rent, sale of turbary (turf) and grazing. Outgoings include the fixed charges on the estate, such as quit rents, head rents, land improvement charges, labour bills and interest on mortgages. (1895) (Colthurst Estate Papers)

92 Valuation of stock, implements, machinery and crops at Granston Manor farm, such as 'Cattle, Sheep, Horses and Pigs', including Heifers, Bull Calves, Dairy Cows. (1 April 1890) (Doneraile Papers)

297 Rental account of the Earl of Listowel for lands in the city and county of Cork. The majority of the value of this rent roll came from lands in the liberties of the city. The rental gives the names of tenants, yearly rent, address and arrears due. Notes are also given as to likelihood of payment of arrears. (1829-1850) (Exham Flynn Solicitors Papers)

123 Measurement and Account of painting done for the Earl of Glandore by William Ponse. The total account come to £59.7.10. Items painted included coach house gate, staircase and housekeepers room. This gives us an idea of the cost of maintenance of a "Big House" in the early nineteenth century. (1804) (Ryan Purcell Estate Papers)

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