The Middle Ages
The Black Abbey, late 19th Century
The Black Abbey, Abbey Street and part of the City Walls, late 19th Century
Kilkenny County Library Photograph collectionKilkenny County Library Photograph collection
The Black Abbey, late 19th Century
The Black Abbey, Abbey Street and part of the City Walls, late 19th Century
Kilkenny County Library Photograph collection1244 The bishop of Ossory gives the Dominicans of the Black Abbey the right to draw water from St. Canice's Well, Kenny's Well, document in Corporation archives
1245 Anselm Marshall the last of William Marshall's sons dies. Leinster is divided between his five sisters. Isabelle, the widow of the Earl of Gloucester gets County Kilkenny. Their descendants, the de Clare earls of Gloucester hold Kilkenny until 1314.
1250 First Murage Grant (the right to collect taxes to build a wall around Kilkenny)
1260 (approximately Building of the Talbot Tower at south-west corner of wall
1314 At the Battle of Bannockburn near Stirling in Scotland, Robert Bruce defeats the English army. Among the dead is Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester. He has no male heir, so County Kilkenny is divided among his three sisters. Eleanor gets the town of Kilkenny. Her husband is Hugh Le Despenser, and the Despensers hold Kilkenny for most of the 14th century.
1315 Edward Bruce invades Ireland with a Scots army. He is killed in 1318.
1324 Trial of Alice Kyteler for witchcraft. Petronilla de Media found guilty and burned.
Butler Family Crest
Crest and Coat of Arms of the Butler Family
Kilkenny County Library StockKilkenny County Library Stock
Butler Family Crest
Crest and Coat of Arms of the Butler Family
Kilkenny County Library Stock1329 James Butler is given the title Earl of Ormond.
1348-49 Friar John Clyn writes an account of the Black Death in Kilkenny
1366 Lionel, Duke of Clarence holds a parliament at Kilkenny. A series of laws called the Statutes of Kilkenny are passed.
1383 King Richard II of England confirms the charters of William Marshall and his son and confirms other rights to the citizens of Kilkenny.
Kytler's Inn
Kytler's Inn, Kieran Street, Kilkenny
Courtsey of Declan MacauleyKytler's Inn - Courtsey of Declan Macauley
Talbot's Tower
Talbot's Tower part of the original walls and fortifications of Kilkenny City
Kilkenny County Library, photographic collectionTalbot's Tower - Kilkenny County Library, photographic collection
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