Bray Head
Located between the towns of Bray and Greystones, Bray Head is very popular with walkers. The summit offers spectacular views of the coast from Bray to Dublin.
Copyright Environmental Protection Agency.
Apart from the beauty of the area, Bray Head is also of ecological importance and is designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The principal habitat across much of the upper area is heath, which is listed under the EU Habitats Directive. The vegetation consists of gorse, Bell Heather, small shrubs and trees, and the Red Data Book species of broom. In areas that are less dominated by shrubs, a variety of grasses, Heath Bedstraw, milkwort, Sheep’s-bit Scabious and tormentil flourish.
Courtesy of Eason & Son Ltd.
Along the coastal side of Bray Head, the sea cliffs support a variety of species typical of the habitat: Sea Campion, Sea Samphire, thrift, Kidney Vetch, and Red Fescue. Woodland dominated by Sessile Oak also occurs on Bray Head, with some ash, birch, hawthorn and holly also found.
The seabird colony at Bray Head has significant populations of fulmar, shag, kittiwake, guillemots, razorbills and a number of gull species. Of particular interest is the Peregrine Falcon, raven and kestrel.
Copyright Mike BrownCopyright Mike Brown
Copyright Mike Brown
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