Fruits of the Hawthorn
Carsten Krieger
Carsten Krieger
Fruits of the Hawthorn
Carsten Krieger
Herb Robert 2
English Name: Herb-Robert Botanical Name (Latin): Geranium robertianum Irish Name: Ruithéal rí Order: DICOTYLEDONES Family: GERANIACEAE Brief Description: Annual or biennial herb, usually hairy; leaves and stems tinged dark red; leaves pentagonal in outline, deeply divided; flowers 1.5?2cm across, purple-pink.
Carsten KriegerCarsten Krieger
Herb Robert 2
English Name: Herb-Robert Botanical Name (Latin): Geranium robertianum Irish Name: Ruithéal rí Order: DICOTYLEDONES Family: GERANIACEAE Brief Description: Annual or biennial herb, usually hairy; leaves and stems tinged dark red; leaves pentagonal in outline, deeply divided; flowers 1.5?2cm across, purple-pink.
Carsten KriegerThe limestone pavement also supports a variety of flora along the edges of the southern lake, such as Herb-robert, Bloody Crane’s-bill, Wild Thyme, Rustyback, Blue Moor-grass and Slender St. John’s Wort. Hawthorn and Buckthorn, species commonly associated with limestone, also grow in the area.
The large population of orchids are supported by calcareous grassland and add a splash of colour to the landscape. Pyramidal Orchid, Early-purple Orchid, Frangrant Orchid and Irish Lady’s –tresses are among the species inhabiting the area.
Pyramidal Orchid 1
English Name: Pyramidal orchid Botanical Name (Latin): Anacamptis pyramidalis Irish Name: Magairlín na stuaice Order: MONOCOTYLEDONES Family: ORCHIDACEAE Brief Description: Perennial herb, to 0.5m tall; distinctive in flower ? young inflorescence distinctly conical with rich pink buds; open flowers paler, and inflorescences becoming more cylindrical; very rarely pure white.
Carsten KriegerPyramidal Orchid 1 - Carsten Krieger
Fragrant Orchid
English Name: Fragrant orchid Botanical Name (Latin): Gymnadenia conopsea Irish Name: Lus taghla Order: MONOCOTYLEDONES Family: ORCHIDACEAE Brief Description: Perennial herb, to 0.4m tall; with 3?5 leaves at base, 2?3 smaller ones on stem; inflorescence cylindrical, densely packed with rose-pink to mauve (rarely white) flowers; lateral sepals spreading, so flowers are wider than tall; fragrant.
Carsten KriegerFragrant Orchid - Carsten Krieger
Early Purple Orchid
The Early Purple Orchid can be found growing in spring. The bright flowers attract insects such as bees and wasps to them which help in the fertilisation process.
Betsey HickeyEarly Purple Orchid - Betsey Hickey
St John's-wort Plant Carlow
Internationally, bogs are important habitat types that are seriously threatened. County Carlow has a small area of bog and marsh St. John's-wort (Hypericum elodes, (yellow flowers)) is one of the plant species that can be found growing in it.
Betsey HickeySt John's-wort Plant Carlow - Betsey Hickey
Zebra Mussel
These species can survive out of water for several days in moist shaded conditions so when boats and water craft are removed from the water it is necessary to hose them down properly to get rid of any zebra mussels that may have attached themselves.
© Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government© Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Zebra Mussel
These species can survive out of water for several days in moist shaded conditions so when boats and water craft are removed from the water it is necessary to hose them down properly to get rid of any zebra mussels that may have attached themselves.
© Department of Environment, Heritage and Local GovernmentEnvironmental concerns
The arrival of the Zebra Mussel, a native of the Black and Caspian Seas , to Irish waterways is causing much concern. This invasive species has resulted in a rapid decline in the numbers of various fish species in the Erne and Shannon , and poses a huge threat to Wild Brown Trout of Lough Corrib. The Zebra Mussels remove much of the food sources from water, such as phytoplankton and small zooplankton. The arrival of the Zebra Mussel affects the whole eco-system.
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