Glenade Lough
Like Lough Gill, Glenade Lough is a naturally occurring eutrophic lake. It is situated close to Manorhamilton, between the Arroo and Benbulben Mountain ranges.
Marsh marigold
Irish name: Lus buí Bealtaine Latin name: Caltha palustris
©Jenny SeawrightMarsh marigold - ©Jenny Seawright
Sphagnum Moss
Sphagnum moss, also known as bog moss, is commonly found in peat bogs in Ireland.
Courtesy of CJ Fallon Ltd.Sphagnum Moss - Courtesy of CJ Fallon Ltd.
Carboniferous limestone
There are poorly developed limestone pavements like this around Gortmaconnell in Co Fermanagh. They tend to develop a hazel scrub or woodland, although this may be removed by grazing.
Copyright Paul Hackney, Ulster Museum. Source: limestone - Copyright Paul Hackney, Ulster Museum. Source:
Devil's Bit Scabious
English Name: Devil’s bit Botanical Name (Latin): Succisa pratensis Irish Name: Odhrach bhallach, urach bhallach Order: DICOTYLEDONES Family: DIPSACACEAE Brief Description: Perennial herb; leaves oval, forming flat rosette from which rises the flowering stems, to 1m tall; flowers rich blue (very rarely pink or white), in hemispherical heads.
Carsten KriegerDevil's Bit Scabious - Carsten Krieger
The underlying rock of the lake is carboniferous Limestone while the surrounding area includes habitats of wet grassland, fens and marshes. Common Sedge, Meadowsweet, Marsh Marigold, Sphagnum Moss and Devil’s-bit Scabious all flourish in this mix of habitats.
A well established population of White-clawed Crayfish occupies Lough Glenade itself, a species specifically named on Annex II of the EU Habitats Directive. However, the lake is particularly noted for supporting a variety of pondweeds.
According to legend, an otter-like creature known as Dobarchú of Lough Glenade was responsible for the death of a local lady called Grace Connolly.
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