
The unspoiled surroundings of Cork’s islands host a wealth of flora and fauna that attracts nature lovers and birdwatchers from around the world. A number of sites of archaeological and historical interest are also present on the islands e.g. a Passage Tomb on Cape Clear and the ruins of a Franciscan Abbey built in 1460 on Sherkin Island.

Some of the most visited islands along the coast of Cork are Cape Clear, Fota Island and Garnish Island. Others include Bere Island, Dursley Island, Heir Island, Skeams, Calves Island, Castle Island, Whiddy, Horse Island, Carthics Islands and Long Island.

West Cork Islands Integrated Development Strategy

In 2010, Cork County Development Board, West Cork Islands Interagency and RPS Planning and Environment published the West Cork Islands Integrated Development Strategy, to provide a platform for the development of the islands in partnership with mainland authorities, thereby helping the islands to reach their full potential. The strategy is attached below.

National Planning Framework

The plan for the islands off West Cork is outlined up to 2040 as part of the National Planning Framework. 

Pdf West Cork Islands Integrated Development Strategy
Size: 21.2M bytesModified:  5 June 2012, 10:15

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